San Francisco of the South?

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The NEW "New Diet"

I went home the other day and discovered one of the most disturbing items on the kitchen counter. Now, I'm not one to judge what people eat as I myself have been known to eat weird things. But the concept of a "Flavor Spray" struck a nerve with me. Never in my life would I have ever considered that you could create a liquid spray that mimics the taste of bacon, carmelized onion, birthday cake and apple pie, to name a few.

God bless my mother, but she does get taken quite easily with "fad" diets. First, it was the no carb, then the all carb, then the grapefruit, then the South Beach. Never in my life would I have guessed that it would come to this. A spray diet. The concept is that you can spray whatever crappy food you are eating with this flavor spray and make it delicious.

Here's the thing. I believe that people eat for 3 main reasons: Hunger, Taste and Texture. Hunger, we can't change. The flavor spray addresses the taste. But for someone like me, who eats for a combination of taste and flavor, masking horribly textured piece of food with flavor spray (Let's just say bacon. Bacon really does make everything better.) just makes me think of doggie treats. Something just tells me that spraying edamame with Chocolate Fudge Spray isn't going to be that appetizing. Even spraying the bacon flavor directly into my mouth still isn't as satisfying as biting down on a thick, crispy piece of swine.


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