San Francisco of the South?

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Condo Blues

So, we just got word from our realtor that there was a slight screw up on the part of the City of Austin/the developer of our condo. It seems that the city gave the developer a map of the sewage system, the developer built to those specifications, but when they went to connect the development sewage to the city sewage, they did not match up. So, in the end, closing has been put out a week since the city won't grant a Certificate of Occupancy until the plumbing works. Oh well. It would have been s//h//i//t//t//y if we couldn't flush the toilet. (Pun Intended)

Hopefully, that will be the last delay. I'm not sure where I'm going to live the next couple of weeks. For all of you reading this in Austin, you may find me on your doorstep with my aerobed. Don't mind me, just step over me in the morning.



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