San Francisco of the South?

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Boys Summer

My good friend JRG and I are up in Tahoe for a couple days, enjoying unemployment. He just graduated from Goizueta Business School in Atlanta and came out for my going away party. He'll be starting work in a couple of months and possibly relocating to SF.

So, the concept of Boys Summer started last year when JRG was an intern in SF while his wife was in Atlanta. He would be on the road all week, but we would really party hard on the weekends, much to his wife's and my girlfriend's chagrin. Maybe we'll have the same situation next summer if I get an intership in San Francisco.

I'm really going to miss Tahoe over the next couple of years. It's really nice to have a playground like Lake Tahoe just a couple of hours away. I'm confident we'll discover other things to do in Austin and the surrounding areas, but being able to take a day trip up to the mountains to ski is something that I will miss.

We're about to hit up some lunch and then hang out by the pool. Tonight, we're going to go to dinner at Friday's Station. It's one of my favorite restaurants and serves a killer French Onion Soup.

Well, wish me luck as I hit the tables. I ended up a little last night, but had to go home early. I wasn't feeling really well and the smoke, excessive alcohol and loud noises didn't really help. Hopefully I'll win enough today to pay for tuition. Ok, I'll settle with enough to buy a textbook.


  • More postings...common'. I've gotta keep up with you two somehow.
    Glad to hear you had fun over the weekend and that you get to enjoy Tahoe again. Say "hi" to JG for me too.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:52 PM  

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