San Francisco of the South?

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Much needed break

My first set of finals went off without a hitch. The early returns are positive and I'm hoping for more of the same. But the other tests that remain are the true question marks. I guess there is nothing left to do but hurry up and wait.

I've had time to reflect on my past semester and I was pretty happy with how things progressed. I learned a ton of material during the past few months and made friends with people that I typically would not have had a chance to interact with in the past. I felt as though a large majority of my growth didn't come from in class work. Instead, it came from interactions with my fellow classmates.

One thing that I wished that I had done more of was interacting with students outside of class. I'm a pretty social person, but this semester kind of shut me down. I tried to go out as much as possible in the beginning in order to make the most of my two years at business school, but later in the semester, as classwork started piling up and priorities shifted, I found myself either at home, relaxing or in the library studying. Hopefully I can find a better balance next semester.

Personally, I've also grown up quite a bit in the past few months. The big thing is that I now am responsible for taking care of someone else. (No, not my fiancee! My puppy, Sadie...) Oh yeah, I got engaged too...


Overall, the past few months have been amazing. I'm learning a ton of new things, meeting new people, living in a new city and having great experiences. I'm looking forward to more of the same next semester.

Now it's time for a little rest and relaxation.


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