San Francisco of the South?

Friday, January 05, 2007

These Boots Were Made for Walking...

It's official. I went to Cavender's Boot City this afternoon with my soon to be father-in-law and got set up with a new pair of cowboy boots. As silly as it sounds, these boots are actually quite comfortable. While I won't be throwing out my running shoes and Reefs any time soon, you may see me proudly wearing a pair of ostrich skin boots.

"What else did you get?"

To answer your question, I also got a nice cowboy hat and a new belt to go with my boots. Now, the belt doesn't come with a huge belt buckle like you would expect, but you never know.


  • go make friends with a police officer and an indian chief, and you'll have a sweet Village People reunion....i'm sure that'll be the first reaction back in San Fran!

    By Blogger ..., at 4:14 PM  

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