As you may have uncovered from a couple previous posts, my fiancee is a bit obsessed with the new Nintendo Wii. She had a chance to play with it at a friend's house in December and has been on the lookout ever since. Myself, I could really care less. I've never been a big video game fanatic.
Well, as it happens, I was surfing along, and what pops up on my search, but a brand spankin' new Nintendo Wii stocked by Pretty amazing that I got in, given that it sounds like it sold out in just a matter of minutes. Well, I ordered it and had it delivered as I was going to surprise my fiancee with her early Valentine's Day gift. (How romantic!)
She is absolutely ecstatic that I found the Wii. We plugged it in, and I think she must have played for at least 5 or 6 hours nonstop.
Labels: Wii