San Francisco of the South?

Monday, October 16, 2006

Venture Fellows

I found out over the weekend that I was selected to join Venture Fellows, a student run organization that pairs up students with local venture capital firms, helping students get a better grasp of venture capital through yearlong internships. This is pretty exciting for me, as I've always been interested in Venture Capital and the world of startups.

The selected group of students is a great class of people. There is quite a diverse set of backgrounds and really, some of the smartest people in the school. I'm honored to be in their company. Hopefully, what I lack in finance skills, I can make up in past experience with startups and contribute to the class.

The selection process was quite thorough, to say the least. The selection process culminated with a case writeup and group discussion of the case. During the discussion, there were lots of smart comments made and I actually felt like I hadn't contributed that much. I left feeling like I might have made a pretty big mistake by not making all of my points. Having had a chance to mull it over though, I think that by saying only key points at the right time, I actually improved my position by not taking up too much "airtime." I guess, in the end, it all worked out.

We won't find out what VC we've been partnered with until the spring, but it's great to know that I'm going to be able to get out of the classroom for a bit and actually apply some of the course education to real life scenarios. I'm really looking forward to having a real live venture capital firm as my classroom.

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