San Francisco of the South?

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

I just finished midterm week at McCombs and overall, it was not too bad. To tell you the truth, the content of the exams was not too bad, but the scheduling of the tests really tested my willpower. The content of the exams really tested us on key concepts in the course and the application of these concepts. Really, there were not any questions that I did not expect. Professors are usually pretty predictable in what they will ask and what they will not ask.

As for the scheduling, it really felt like a process of weeding out the weak from the strong. We had midterms every night of the week from 6pm until 9pm. My schedule for the past week was:

6:00am-6:00pm: Study
6:00pm-9:00pm: Test
9:00pm-12:00am: Relax, maybe study a bit
12:00am-6:00am: Sleep

I'm glad it's over. I'm also glad that the stress level for everyone at school has receded a bit. Everyone went out last night to blow off some steam. I could't go too crazy, since I had to make an airport run at 3:30am to pick up my finacee. It was great since everyone seemed so relaxed, but I felt as though every conversation I walked into, people were rehashing the test that they just took. A little counterproductive if you ask me. There are so many other great topics of conversation. For instance, we got the hairball idea that we were going to take a trip to Las Vegas in November. I'm not sure if that will come to fruition, but some of my best thinking has come from the inside of a dark bar.

I'm guessing that people will get wound up again for finals, but that is still about 2 months out. Ok, off to watch the Longhorns/Huskers game.

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